Recommended Reading for Revelation
We start a new series at State Street on Sunday. We'll be spending the next two and a half months going through the book of Revelation. Some approach John of Patmos' book in great fear and trepidation, some in confusion and dismay, some just ignore it in total. I don't think any of those reactions are necessary in building a right and responsible reading of the text.
If you want to study the book of Revelation a bit more in-depth, I want to invite you to pick up any of these helpful resources. Starting next Thursday at 6:30am at Rocky Mountain Cafe in LaPorte, the State Street Book Club will be going through one of these books [Apocalypse and Allegiance] to ask good questions and to seek answers about any confusion we may have.
Here's the list of books I'm reading right now for this series:
- Apocalypse and Allegiance: Worship, Politics, and Devotion in the Book of Revelation by J. Nelson Kraybill: Kraybill is the former President of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, IN and currently serves as the President of the Mennonite World Conference. [Amazon]
The Revelation of John: A Narrative Commentary by James L. Resseguie: Resseguie is Distinguished Professor of New Testament Emeritus at Winebrenner Theological Seminary. [Amazon]
- The Theology of the Book of Revelation (New Testament Theology) by Richard Bauckham: Bauckham is a New Testament scholar who teaches at Cambridge. [Amazon]
- Reading Revelation Responsibly: Uncivil Worship and Witness: Following the Lamb into the New Creation by Michael J. Gorman: Gorman is Professor of Sacred Scripture and Dean of the Ecumenical Institute of Theology at St. Mary's Seminary & University in Baltimore, Maryland. [Amazon]
- The Pith of the Apocalypse: Essential Message and Principles for Interpretation by Paul A. Rainbow: Rainbow is the Professor of New Testament and Sioux Falls Seminary. [Amazon]
- Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright: Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and is now serving as the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews. [Amazon]
- The Good News of Revelation by Larry Helyer & Ed Cyzewski: Larry Helyer is Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. Ed Cyzewski is a freelance writer. [Amazon]
- Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination by Eugene Peterson: Peterson is the former James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is now retired. [Amazon]
- The New Testament: Introducing the Way of Discipleship by Wes Howard-Brook and Sharon E. Ringe: Howard-Brook is an author and professor at Seattle University. Ringe is Professor of New Testament at Wesley Theological Seminary. [Amazon]
- The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story: by Craig G. Bartholomew and Michael W. Goheen: Craig G. Bartholomew is the H. Evan Runner Professor of Philosophy at Redeemer University College. Michael W. Goheen is the Jake and Betsy Tuls Professor of Missiology at Calvin Theological Seminary. [Amazon]
I might add some more to this as we go, but this is a start. Many of these were recommended to me by other pastors/friends/scholars, and some I just stumbled upon. All of them have helped in grasping the critical nature of the text.
Why preach a Revelation series?
A few months ago I watched a VICE on HBO show that dealt with the issue of American Evangelicals and their perceived obsession with Israel. They asked this question: what do Evangelicals believe needs to happen for end times to begin? The program followed a group led by self-proclaimed Revelation expert Irvin Baxter visiting Israel and Palestine. It was an interesting look at how one faction of evangelicals interpret a certain set of Scripture. Here's a bit of Baxter and his teaching for those curious:
The program troubled me for two reasons. First, I find the opinions that Baxter espousing to be in error. Serious error, in fact. Very soon we will get yet another Left Behind film that will support and encourage much of this same thought. Many are fascinated [if not obsessed] with this type of reading of Revelation. But, is this the best reading of the text?
Secondly, I know many evangelicals that don't support such ideas/theology. VICE painted this issue with broader strokes than are necessary. As a matter of fact, the church throughout much of our history hasn't supported this theology. Not all Evangelicals read Revelation in a similar way. What about them? Maybe those who don't read it similarly haven't taught on it enough or presented a case for alternative understanding.
After watching the program, I started talking to some friends [including the staff at State Street] about what I had watched and many, much to my surprise, had [at one point] bought into these ideas. Some even joked about how they would be terrified going into a room without any people in it wondering if their loved ones had been raptured. A few mentioned about how much fear was instilled in them because of the effects of this theology. Interestingly, most [if not everyone of them] couldn't tell you about why the early church didn't support such theology or the evolution and development of rapture theology, but they knew that many of their teachers scolded those who didn't support an identical reading of Revelation. It was [and is] an essential doctrine in many Christian movements [someone please alert those in Nicea!] So, I think it's time to deal with this giant literarily-complex, theologically-rich apocalyptic elephant in the room at State Street. The goal is not to do this series in a combative, reactionary way [though much of it was birthed from a reaction], but in a way that hopefully illuminates and brings hope to our understanding of the narrative.
My objectives for this series:
- To preach what I believe to be a proper and responsible reading of Revelation. You may not agree with such a reading, but at least you'll be familiar with other possible interpretations. Ultimately, it's fine to agree-to-disagree but it's best to fully know and understand the basis of the disagreements.
- To open up a counter-narrative interpretation of the text that combats a more modernist, dispensational reading with an understanding of the text that is, ultimately, more congruent with how the church throughout history has taught Revelation and fits better within the scope of the biblical narrative. We'll be looking at literary style, genre, functions of apocalyptic literature, etc. To make my former professors content, we'll employ a Wesleyan hermeneutic to Revelation: prima scriptura, tradition/church history, intellect, and guidance by the Holy Spirit.
- To be encouraged and made hopeful by how Christ is bringing the world back to rights [to steal a N.T. Wright-ism]. This is our peculiar Christian hope.
I hope you can join us.
I'm Thankful for Our Fifth Easter and More...
Yesterday was our fifth annual Easter gathering at State Street. It just happened to be the largest Sunday we’ve had to date (with roughly 445 people joining us.) We have now turned the pages of our collective journey to begin the fifth year of ministry and life. Today I’m left with a profound sense of gratitude for the places we’ve been, the people we’ve met, and the events that have left us laughing and crying. It’s been such a great season for myself, my family, and [hopefully] those who have entered into community with us. As I take inventory of the past five years, here are some of the things that I’m most thankful for:
I’m thankful for my wife. Since we’ve planted State Street, we have had two more children [Finley and Harrison] and countless life events. From buying a bigger car to fit the growing family to being patient with me as I finished my graduate work to navigating the waters of my recent illnesses, she has been my best friend, sounding board, and firm ally during it all. My life has so much more meaning with her in it. She never wanted to be a pastor’s wife, but she has made a tremendous one regardless.
I’m thankful for my children. Few people understand the sacrifice that children make when their mother or father is a pastor. Most week I spend 50-60 hours away from them in my office, in counseling meetings, studying, or helping those in need. Nora, Finley, and Harrison bring incredible amounts of joy to my life. I’m determined to be cognizant and aware enough to make them grateful that their dad was a pastor and not ashamed or disgruntled of that fact. Perhaps it’s an attempt like swimming upstream, but they are worth every effort I can make to provide them with an engaged and loving father. If our community at State Street grows but at the expense of failing my children as a father, this is not success.
I’m thankful for the staff. Our children’s director Julie Secor has taught me so much about how to value the voices of those who often aren’t heard enough by the adults around them. If every church had a children’s director with a heart, passion, and vision the size of Julie, the church would be in great shape for the next generation. Becky Crain’s passion for Christ and the Church is infectious. She’s also a supremely talented person: a gifted preacher and musician. I’ve learned much about finding my own voice from watching her exercise hers. Jason Clemons provides a constant reminder that the heart of Christ is located with the poor, widow, and orphan. He helps me fully appreciate the redemptive message of the Beatitudes. Without him, I’d be a worse pastor. I’m even grateful for the Philosopher Janitor [Jonny Schult] who not only cleans the bathroom stalls each and every week, but also provides me helpful commentary on Platonic dialogue. He’s a good friend.
I’m thank for the leadership at State Street. I sit under a gracious, loving, and wise board of stewards that help guide me, keep me accountable, and establish a defined vision for the future of our community. Some have been with me since the beginning [Mark Secor, Neal Loucks, Mark Bublitz] and some have just joined us this year [Stacey Lingle, Ty Miller, Mark Bules, and Brian Morros.] They have never been afraid of asking tough questions and seeking uncomfortable answers if it leads us to be a more faithful presence for Christ in our community. They are truly a blessing to me.
I’m thankful for those who have gathered under Christ with us. Whether you’ve been at State Street since the beginning or you’ve just joined us. Perhaps you only had a short season with us and you’ve now moved on to another community to use your gifts and talents. I am grateful for you. I hope that you’ve been able to connect to the current of Christ in this world with us… if only for a small season or for a long one.
I’m thankful for the many people who have given to State Street. We have certain priorities and values that are funded and equipped by the money, talent, and energies of the people within our community. Each weekend we have dozens of people that volunteer in the children’s ministry, the worship team, greeters, and many, many others. During the week we have those who give to make the community center [food pantry, clothes pantry, community garden, community meal, summer bistro, just to name a few…] happen each and every week. They give of their time and money to see to it that others can experience the profound love of Christ that we have seen and felt. It’s an honor to be in community with you all.
I’m thankful for our neighbors at State Street. When we moved to 209 State Street, it was our goal to become good neighbors. We are located in a very transient neighborhood with many rental homes. People often move every 6-8 months to another location in LaPorte or elsewhere. But, while they are in our locale, it’s important to become good neighbors. Many of these people look out for us as we do for them. We’ve now seen some of our neighborhood children grow from elementary ages to middle school. Many of our neighbors have joined our church community in the process. It’s been a joy to do life together over the last 4-5 years.
I’m thankful for other churches and pastors. Many of our fellow churches in LaPorte committed to pray for us as we launched into the area. I’ve been able to build relationships with other pastors who share in our commitment to Christ and His Kingdom. Their pray and support has meant a ton to us over the years.
I’m thankful for my friends who continue to encourage and challenge me. Some of my best friends have been with me during this whole planting process. They’ve encouraged me when I was down, the’ve challenged me when I was wrong, and they’ve laughed with me about all the ridiculous things I’ve said and did in the in between. I’m thankful for Seth Bartlette, Jason Miller, David Cramer, Andrew DeSelm, and Ashley Swanson. They are some of the absolute best people that I’ve had the privilege to meet.
I’m thankful for the many pastors and theologians that, unbeknownst to them, have fed my sermons with inspiration and creativity. Said another way, I’m glad I could steal so much from these folks: N.T. Wright, Stanley Hauerwas, Scot McKnight, Justo Gonzalez, Kallistos Ware, Luke Timothy Johnson, and many other men and women who give their time to put resources in the hands of pastors like myself. Without your scholarly aptitude, I would be a lesser pastor.
I'm grateful for the many community businesses and leaders in LaPorte who have given their time to learn about our community center work, their money to help fund this work, and their energy to help further our mission to feed the poor, clothe the naked, and love the lonely. Your partnership means so much.
Most importantly, I’m thankful for Christ. He has given me infinitely more than I can ever give back to this world. My life has been changed by the love of Christ. It’s been such a joy to be able to proclaim this love to others at State Street. Through the comedies and tragedies over the last five years, His love has been an ever present buoy that has reminded me of what is truly valuable, good, and just.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, STATE STREETERS! I am grateful for you all. Truly, you mean more to me than you'll ever realize.
Letting Junia Speak: In Praise of the Crain
"Greet Andronicus and Junia, my relatives who were in prison with me; they are prominent among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was." - the Apostle Paul, Romans 16:7 NRSV
- Junia was a woman.
- There is no evidence that any man had the name “Junias.”
- Junia is a not, as some have argued, a contracted name of Junianus.
- “Among the apostles” means Junia herself was an apostle and not simply that the apostles thought she was a good egg.
McKnight writes, "So, we conclude that there was a first-century relative of the apostle Paul named Junia; she entered into Christ before Paul did; and this Junia was an apostle. Which means (because this is what apostles did) she was in essence a Christ-experiencing, Christ-representing, church-establishing, probably miracle-working, missionizing woman who preached the gospel and taught the church."
Why is this so important to me? I believe that a healthy church should have a multitude of voices present; young and old, new converts and old guard, and male and female. While I have been out with Tumor Gate '13 [herein effectively renamed Broncho-Pulmonary-palooza], other people in our community have filled in on Sunday to preach. This last week our community was privileged to have Becky Crain preach; our very own Christ-experiencing, Christ-representing, church-establishing, probably miracle-working, missionizing woman like Junia. We have also been fortunate to have Kristin Swartz-Schult preach in the past. In the future, we will be guided and taught by other capable Christ-loving and astute women. It's important for our community to be shaped by men and women who love Christ.
I am glad that we let our Junia's speak in our community. Becky is the second longest staff member we have at State Street [10 points to anyone who can name the person who has been on staff longest!] She understands the vision like few do. More importantly, she is engaged in growing with Christ like few people I know. She will always have a place to teach me, my family, and our community. We were blessed by your teaching, Becky. Thank you.
I'm proud of you, kiddo!
A Message to the State Streeters
State Street folks,
Tomorrow you will gather at laux du lac (i.e. the Loucks pond) where Jason Clemons will unpack our vision and mission and next steps as a community. Much of what Jason will talk about is the culmination of two years of praying and planning by our leadership and other members of our community. Because of the growth of our community (numerically, in our ministries, and in our social endeavors) we can either decide to limit what we do to a certain amount of people or put the infrastructure in place to continue to meet the needs of the poor, widow, and orphan. I just don't think we can stop now.
I am so sad to not be doing this message tomorrow, though I have every bit of confidence in Jason. He knows the future vision as good as anyone. It is going to be an exciting day that, if I could, I would be there cheering with all of you. But, please know, that whether I'm on my recliner sick from a tumor, or at my table in front of the congregation pretending to know things about theology, or in my office in LaPorte that I will be walking this journey with everyone else. My sickness is no reason to retreat. We will move forward with this vision together. I often remind myself of the great wisdom of Miroslav Volf and our unique privilege as a community;
“Christ’s indwelling presence has freed us from exclusive orientation toward ourselves and opened us up in two directions: toward God, to receive the good things in faith, and toward our neighbor, to pass them on in love.” - Miroslav Volf
Truthfully, our next step is the same as our first step; to love well. Our building and community may evolve a bit in the process. We may see some different people and accomplish our goals in different ways. But, the same spirit that Christ has built within our community will be the same spirit that will sustain us in the future. We will love God, love others, and do it well.
If I can stop out tomorrow to join you, I will. You are always in my thoughts. Having this time off has made me realize even more fully that I get to do life with the best people around. I am so blessed to be walking this journey with you. It is going to be an exciting next few years. Remember, we serve a peculiar God on a peculiar mission in this world. May we be faithful to join Him in this peculiar life. Please, please attend the soiree tomorrow. You will be glad that you did.
Grace and Peace!